Joseph van Aken
14.000 €
Anonymous 16th century German painter from Nuremberg or Augsburg
2500 €
middle 16th century Anonymous Flemish or Rhineland painter
the pair 8.000 €

2nd half of the 16th century Anonymous Flemish painter
9.500 €
first half 17th century Anonymous French painter
5.500 €
Hans Jurriaensz. van Baden
9.000 €

Marc Baets
2.800 €
Leandro Bassano
6.500 €
Attributed to Abraham Begeyn
9.000 €

Follower of Giovanni Bellini
9.000 €

After Cornelis II Bloemaert
2.000 €
Attributed to Johannes Borman
8.000 €
Circle of Alexander van Bredael
5.300 €
Bernaert de Bridt
6.000 €

Joachim Govertsz. Camphuysen
27.500 €

Circle of Louis de Caullery
the pair 6.500 €

Circle of Louis de Caullery
the pair 6.500 €
Circle of Cornelis van Cleve
7.400 €
David Colijns
6.500 €
Abraham van Cuylenborch
6.000 €

Abraham van Cuylenborch
6.500 €

Benjamin Cuyp
12.500 €

Attributed to Christian Donck
10.000 €

Attributed to Herman Doncker
11.000 €

Attributed to Gottfried I Eichler
6.500 €

Frans van Everbroeck
7.500 €

Frans van Everbroeck
53.000 €
first quarter 17th century Flemish follower of Maarten van Heemskerck
5000 €
Follower of Jan Fyt
70.000 €
Attributed to Antoon Gheringh
4.000 €
Adriaen de Gryef
3.500 €
Nicolas de Gyselaer
6.500 €
Attributed to Matthijs Harings
2.900 €
Attributed to Daniel van Heil
3.700 €

Wolfgang Heimbach
8.500 €
Attributed to Matheus van Helmont
12.000 €
Matheus van Helmont
11.000 €
Gerard I Hoet
3.000 €
Charles Cornelisz. de Hooch
12.500 €

Jan Jozef I Horemans
3.000 €

Jan van Huchtenburg
12.500 €
Attributed to Juriaen Jacobsz.
7.500 €
Hieronymus Janssens
9.000 €
Claude de Jongh
5.000 €

Hans III Jordaens
8.900 €

Attributed to Alexander Keirincx
10.500 €
Attributed to Jan I van Kessel
20.000 €

Jan Baptist Lambrechts
6.000 €
Cornelis Lelienbergh
86.000 €

Cornelis Lelienbergh
12.000 €
Attributed to Gysbrecht Leytens
10.000 €

Attributed to Dirck van der Lisse
4.500 €

Anthonie de Lorme
10.000 €
Carstiaen Luyckx
9.500 €
Aert Jansz. Marienhof
8.000 €
Jan Martsen de Jonge
3.000 €

Pieter van Mase
9.500 €
Jan Miense Molenaer
8.500 €
Circle of Frans de Momper
6.500 €
Monogrammist IG
2.500 €

Attributed to the Monogrammist JF
9.500 €

Carel de Moor
7.000 €
Pieter I Mulier
14.000 €

Constantijn Netscher
9.000 €
Adriaen van Nieulandt
19.000 €
Willem II van Nieulandt
7.000 €

circa 1630 Northern Caravaggesque painter
33.000 €

Willem van Odekercken
9.500 €

Jürgen Ovens
10.000 €
Attributed to Pierre Antoine Patel
3.500 €
Attributed to Jan I Peeters
8.000 €

Gillis I Peeters
7.500 €

Jacob Symonsz. Pynas
12.500 €

Rosa da Tivoli
22.500 €
Jacob Ferdinand Saeys
5.500 €

Frans Sant-Acker
14.000 €
Willem Schellinks
8.500 €

Mathys Schoevardts
8.000 €

Vincent and studio Sellaer
13.000 €
Attributed to Adam Silo
8.800 €
Michiel Simons
13.500 €
Jan Jacobsz. van der Stoffe
the pair 16.000 €
Jan Jacobsz. van der Stoffe
the pair 16.000 €
The Pseudo-Roestraeten
4.000 €
Attributed to Rombout van Troyen
3.500 €

Unidentified late 17th century painter
17.000 €

Unidentified middle 16th century painter from the Low Countries
6.000 €
Moses van Uyttenbroeck
11.000 €

Early 17th century Flemish follower of Lucas van Valckenborch
3.000 €

Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne
9.500 €
Jan Vonck
3.500 €

Simon de Vos
6.500 €

Sebastiaen Vrancx
7.500 €

Cornelis Hendricksz. Vroom
13.500 €
Jan van der Vucht
10.000 €
Cornelis Mathijsen van der Weele
3.300 €
Dirck Wijntrack
8.000 €