Pieter van de Velde
View of Rotterdam
Oil on canvas : 125 X 167 cm
Sold at Köller Zurich, 23/03/07
For 90.000 CHF = 56.700 €
This is a comparative item

Painting for Sale
Velde II, Sold, Pieter van de
"Ships in choppy waters in front of Amsterdam "
About Pieter van de Velde or Pieter van Velden
There seems to reign some confusion about 2 Flemish marine painters who both were called Pieter van de Velde or Pieter van Velden:
- the eldest of the two was born in Antwerp in 1634 and he probably died there in 1707. He was influenced by two important Flemish marine painters, the brothers Bonaventura I (Antwerp 1614 – Hoboken 1652) and Jan I Peeters (Antwerp 1624 – 1677 or 1680 Antwerp). The figure staffage in his paintings is sometimes given David Teniers II or to Erasmus Quellinus II;
- the youngest of the two was active until the very end of the 1720-ies. He seems to have undergone the influence of the eldest Pieter van de Velde, might he have been his son? His figures are more naïve, like little puppets, which he must have painted himself.
Both artists painted ships on the North Sea and on the Mediterranean, in general Dutch ships.
Until now, only Jan De Maere ("Illustrated Dictionary of 17th Century Flemish Painters", Brussels 1994, page 407) mentions a second painter, active in the 18th century. Museums, auction houses and the antique dealers are still attributing all these marine paintings to one and the same painter.
Therefore it would seem safer to us to make a difference between Pieter van de Velde I and II, the Elder and the Younger.
Our painting should then be attributed to Pieter van de Velde the Younger.
Comparative paintings
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